We are focused on the results

Category: portfolio


Tax There is nothing worse than having Tax authorities chasing after you. We understand the tax pressure you face and that dealing with a Tax […]


Startups Starting you own business is one of the boldest and most challenging thing a person can do. With all the punches and curveballs that […]

Real Estate

Real Estate Real estate has become increasingly attractive for investors seeking diversification, predictable income, stable yields and capital preservation. We at Moussa Law Firm, handle […]

Private Clients

Private Clients Strong intellect. Technical skills. Emotional intelligence. Our legal team working on private clients affairs is part of a team of external advisors (accountant’s, […]

Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas Lebanon has finally reached an important milestone in the oil and gas industry with the Council of Ministers approving recently the awarding […]

Non-Profit and Charitable Organizations

Non-Profit and Charitable Organizations Moussa Law Firm provide a wide range of services to non-profit, charitable and other tax-exempt organizations, advising in all aspects of […]

International Commerce and Trade

International Commerce and Trade The landscape of Trade is constantly evolving and companies are adapting to new trade rules and regulations We at Moussa Law […]

International Arbitration

International Arbitration With an increase in cross-border investments and trade, International Arbitration has become the most popular method of resolving international disputes arising out of […]

Family Law and Disputes

Family Law and Disputes Life can be unexpected and things don’t always go as planned, especially with love and marriage. If you are currently considering a family […]

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Intellectual Property rights are like any other right. This category of property includes intangible creations of the human intellect, and primarily encompasses copyrights, […]