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International Arbitration

International Arbitration

With an increase in cross-border investments and trade, International Arbitration has become the most popular method of resolving international disputes arising out of both commercial and investment transactions. “Relationships” between individuals, businesses and investors dealing transnationally break down during business cycle and parties need to consider the best means of resolving their disputes. In many cases, that will be arbitration.

Arbitration offers a neutral forum of resolving disputes as long as a party prefers not to submit to the jurisdiction of another party’s national court. Arbitration awards are more widely enforceable than court judgments. Arbitration rules are flexible and less complex than most national rules. Arbitration provides more privacy and confidentiality than litigation. Parties to an arbitration can select the governing law, the place of arbitration, the arbitrators who are capable to offer their technical expertise and experience and many other aspect of the arbitral procedure. Parties may also select international institutions that will administer the arbitration, among them we note: The International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), Dubai International Arbitration Centre and numerous others.

Our lawyers ensure the highest services that meet the client’s needs regarding the dispute, help clients select arbitrators with appropriate experience, expertise and availability and ensure that their case is managed cost-effectively. We represent clients through the dispute’s lifecycle, from drafting the arbitration clause in a contract, to arbitration proceedings (International commercial arbitration and Investment treaty arbitration), to arbitration-related litigation such as enforcement actions or criminal lawsuits.

Our practice embraces disputes from a broad range of areas, including:

  • Commercial and business transactions
  • Investments
  • Sale of goods
  • Distribution
  • Import and export
  • Construction
  • Telecommunications
  • Procurement
  • Joint Venture
  • Intellectual Property

We coordinate strategy with local lawyers in a multi-jurisdictional dispute.


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